「Dominatrix Heaven」~3バチ展Vol.3~

「Dominatrix Heaven」
空山基、Rockin’Jelly Bean、寺田克也
2022年4月29日(金・祝)〜5月22日(日) Vanilla Gallery 展示室AB

「Pussycat!kill!kill!kill!」(2014年)、「Tokyo Sweet Gwendoline」(2018年)と、神をも恐れぬバチアタリ展覧会で、貪欲までに<エロ>に立ち向かい、激しく火花を散らした三羽烏が、時代の閉塞感を破壊するパワフルなヒロインたちを三たび引き連れ、新たな戦いのゴングを鳴らすーー‼️


Hajime Sorayama x Rockin’Jelly Bean x Katsuya Terada
2022. April 29 Friday – May 22 Sunday Vanilla Gallery exhibition room AB
The raging erotic trio who have produced taboo exhibitions such as“Pussycat!kill!kill!kill!” (2014) and “Tokyo Sweet Gwendoline” (2018) are back, hungrier than ever, ready to break the insular society and ring the gong with their powerful heroines.
The Big Three, who always transcends stereotypes of eroticism in top gear, are now ready to take on the new look for a heroine who’s glamorous, and a villain who’s fabulous. In addition to the exhibition and the sales of the works on display, a new memorial art book will be published by editions treville.
Make sure not to miss the erotic-wonder-battles hosted by the pioneers of eroticism-frontier in 2022!